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#1 2020-11-12 17:17:35

From: Greece
Registered: 2020-10-12
Posts: 31

hallo in win7 x64 the promark3 rdv4.01 it find lib usb no com

hallo i am new and i need help i have new promark3 rdv4.01 i tryed first  in win7 x64 in device manager its find as  lib usb-w32 without com  i folow the  instarations from forum Proxmark III - Windows 7 GSG v1.pdf
i install the Driver-2012-01-15 and i try the pm3-bin-2.4.0 and the programs the ProxSpace-20100226-r390 in C:\promak3\ProxSpace
the TortoiseSVN- i folow the pdf  i hade one proble ther he say (Go in to the newly created ProxSpace folder and right-click the “pm3” folder. Select SVN Update.) in the right klikc is only upgrade no update and the driver in device manager it has not any com only it find as  lib usb-w32 proxmark3 instument what driver programs and os can use to work ? is beter ? in linux i dint try yet 

i try also in win10 x32   and ProxSpace v3.5  i stuck in some commands  in (Run runme64.bat.) i thing can get some packets and after i i stuck in
(   Clone the RRG/Iceman repository
git clone
cd proxmark3   )
i try to instal in ubuntu in win 10 but is not working in 32bit win10 is more easy to install in vmware for me than like this
now i find also  for android this  and

and when i press the white button nothing hapened is 4 blue leds on
what is the easy and best way to install ?

Last edited by zissilia (2020-11-12 18:51:22)


#2 2020-11-12 17:49:32

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,530

Re: hallo in win7 x64 the promark3 rdv4.01 it find lib usb no com

.... Pm3 RDV1 ?  That is an old model I haven't seen in quite some years. If I remember it correct, then it has 256kb so you will need to make the fullimage smaller to fit onto it.

Setup on windows …

Adapt for generic Proxmark3 device … d#firmware

and with extra focus, regarding 256kb … b-versions


#3 2020-11-12 18:39:08

From: Greece
Registered: 2020-10-12
Posts: 31

Re: hallo in win7 x64 the promark3 rdv4.01 it find lib usb no com

sorry i make mistake is rdv4.01 i did this in windows10  x32  i thing its need x64 ?
i had problem it can't find some packets when i run Run runme64.bat.
and in this :
Clone the RRG/Iceman repository
git clone
cd proxmark3
so i don't go further i will try to win10 x64 and linux in lxde is working ?

Last edited by zissilia (2020-11-12 18:50:18)


#4 2020-11-12 22:52:06

From: Austria
Registered: 2016-03-25
Posts: 177

Re: hallo in win7 x64 the promark3 rdv4.01 it find lib usb no com

ProxSpace v3.5 is oudated, please use ProxSpace v3.7. It should work on Windows 7, if not please run the “ps-info” command withing ProxSpace and post the results. ProxSpace does no longer work on x86 only x64 is supported.

Alternatively, you can use the precompiled builds:
In your case Precompiled builds for RDV40 dedicated x64


#5 2020-11-16 18:15:48

From: Greece
Registered: 2020-10-12
Posts: 31

Re: hallo in win7 x64 the promark3 rdv4.01 it find lib usb no com

i try it 5 days now i am try to do with 3 os and android  I used in win7 x64 I try all the
drivers ( libusb-win32 and CDC ) no com port in device manager in pc win7 x64bit  I did all in manual step by step  and I install the ProxSpace and  TortoiseSVN- ,
I run the pm3-bin-2.4.0 client with  proxmark tool  I cant connect to com Couse it don’t give any com in device manager in win7X64bit
in win10x32bit it find in com 10 i did steps of manual after i stack in sintax from this and after (Clone the RRG/Iceman repository
git clone
cd proxmark3 ) in instaructions
but i run proxmark3  port 10 and it make tsek the antenas and some info

i find this aplication an android store 
and today I install it in tablet with adaptor usb  to mini usb which I use
to connect mouse to tablet (with out sim cart )  it dint
respond to commands in ready commands it has the application inside ,  i
check the antennas It was to 125 the one button  and the other to 14 i
change to 7 the same   I test the tags with other reader build in in huawai
phone they working

I tried in win xp sp3 it find in com 3 but   I did all it has the manual
step by step I change the go.bat with the com it find  , i run the
pm3-bin-2.4.0 client with Proxmark Tool it dint respond  to commands in proxmark3.exe with precompiled rdv40_bt-32-20200907-a06f1c8858349a6d80a6a72f5ec6c8b3294cb679.7z inside the 32 folder is in c:/proxmark3/win32/   i need to copy in other folder and need extra things  i nee to just working scan and so i dont wanto to program  maby it need something falashing or something else program how can test easy i tru today in lxle 32x in laptop  firs i disable the modem manager and i folow the manual for ubundu  try to download some programs  some they cant fint as ( ) and this is not there pm3”.
mean wile i open the cover to see the swichis in antennas the one button  It was between 135 to 125  and the other to 14 i
change to 7 but responce from android aplication also


#6 2020-11-16 19:26:36

From: Austria
Registered: 2016-03-25
Posts: 177

Re: hallo in win7 x64 the promark3 rdv4.01 it find lib usb no com

There is so much wrong with your setup….

  • 32-bit Windows is no longer supported

  • You will not receive any support for Windows XP from me.

  • pm3-bin-2.4.0, TortoiseSVN, ProxSpace-20100226-r390 and rdv40_bt-32-20200907 all are outdated. Cast it into the fire! Destroy it!

  • Do you have a Bluetooth module on your Proxmark3? You did download the precompiled files for a pm3 with Bluetooth.

  • If you have to copy something from/in your precompiled folder something is not right.

  • Make sure you have the correct driver installed before continuing. You might need to delete your currently installed one. The correct driver: … xmark3.inf

  • Now you can continue installing ProxSpace 3.7 or using the precompiled binaries, depending what your goal is.


#7 2020-11-16 20:29:32

From: Austria
Registered: 2016-03-25
Posts: 177

Re: hallo in win7 x64 the promark3 rdv4.01 it find lib usb no com

Here is a quick setup video:


#8 2020-11-17 00:22:55

From: Greece
Registered: 2020-10-12
Posts: 31

Re: hallo in win7 x64 the promark3 rdv4.01 it find lib usb no com

thanks ok i findut from video and for linux i tryit in lxle cant find some of libqt4-dev perl maby the linux need update but the  devkitARM they removed from the github wiki page and is there and  inside the ProxSpace-20100226-r390    c:\ProxSpace\devkitARM can i use them for linux ?


#9 2020-11-17 00:48:12

From: Austria
Registered: 2016-03-25
Posts: 177

Re: hallo in win7 x64 the promark3 rdv4.01 it find lib usb no com

devkitARM is no longer used, for Linux: …

Last edited by gator96100 (2020-11-17 00:48:54)


#10 2020-11-17 12:41:33

From: Greece
Registered: 2020-10-12
Posts: 31

Re: hallo in win7 x64 the promark3 rdv4.01 it find lib usb no com

i am new 2 weeks,  i dint know the support of LAB401 it dint tell me clear instruction  and there is some old instrauction in the page  so why they dont remouve the  OUTDATED GUIDES? i confuse very much . thanks for your time you helpme


#11 2020-11-18 02:56:44

From: Greece
Registered: 2020-10-12
Posts: 31

Re: hallo in win7 x64 the promark3 rdv4.01 it find lib usb no com

hallo sory i manage to work with Proxmark Tool but idint recornize the in lf the t5577 cart  i mesure the antenna with button  LF=134  Q=7 No response with LF=134  Q=14 is ok ,after i change some drivers i fint wen i run  in cmd ( proxmark3 cannot communicate with proxmark unknown command 0x61334d50)  and in device manager it change the name  from proxmark instriment now is serial DEVICE USB COM5, i tryed to make some flash  i made 2 succefuly  in 3 its stuck and now is problem with boot loader when you run and is conected in com5 it say whating for conection i diskonect and connect again it fint to com8 i change the FLASH - Bootrom.bat in com8 and i did with FLASH - fullimage.bat in com8 the problem  stack i one adress , with Proxmark Tool its say when you add com5  Version information not available

bootrom: /-suspect 2015-11-04 22:15:34
      os: Version information not available
[ FPGA ]
LF image built for 2s30vq100 on 2018/ 9/ 8 at 13:57:51
HF image built for 2s30vq100 on 2018/ 9/ 3 at 21:40:23         
uC: AT91SAM7S512 Rev A         
Embedded Processor: ARM7TDMI         
Nonvolatile Program Memory Size: 512K bytes. Used: 245529 bytes (47%). Free: 278759 bytes (53%).         
Second Nonvolatile Program Memory Size: None         
Internal SRAM Size: 64K bytes         
Architecture Identifier: AT91SAM7Sxx Series         
Nonvolatile Program Memory Type: Embedded Flash Memory 

but still can read hf cards  and i manage to simulate
some times stuck
how can fix the boot loader the flash is not working , i see the pages in forum press the button wile to connect but its stuck


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