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#1 2020-04-16 09:09:11

Registered: 2020-04-15
Posts: 20

RDV4.01 - Hitag - No data found!


i seem to be having some strange issue now with the latest rrg/iceman build on osx catalina , i used the deprecated iceman repo and it could detect hitag key without an issue.

after updating to the latest it doesn't seem to detect the hitag key, i tried another HF tag and it managed to detect it.

[ CLIENT ]           
  client: RRG/Iceman          
  compiled with Clang/LLVM 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.17) OS:OSX ARCH:x86_64          

 [ PROXMARK3 RDV4 ]           
  external flash:                  present           
  smartcard reader:                present           

 [ PROXMARK3 RDV4 Extras ]           
  FPC USART for BT add-on support: absent           
 [ ARM ]
  bootrom: RRG/Iceman/master/f2945e8 2020-04-15 22:24:58
       os: RRG/Iceman/master/f2945e8 2020-04-15 22:25:09
  compiled with GCC 5.4.1 20160919 (release) [ARM/embedded-5-branch revision 240496]

 [ FPGA ]
  LF image built for 2s30vq100 on 2020-02-22 at 12:51:14
  HF image built for 2s30vq100 on 2020-01-12 at 15:31:16          

 [ Hardware ]           
  --= uC: AT91SAM7S512 Rev B          
  --= Embedded Processor: ARM7TDMI          
  --= Nonvolatile Program Memory Size: 512K bytes, Used: 290855 bytes (55%) Free: 233433 bytes (45%)          
  --= Second Nonvolatile Program Memory Size: None          
  --= Internal SRAM Size: 64K bytes          
  --= Architecture Identifier: AT91SAM7Sxx Series          
  --= Nonvolatile Program Memory Type: Embedded Flash Memory      


#db# Memory           
#db#   BIGBUF_SIZE.............40000          
#db#   Available memory........40000          
#db# Tracing           
#db#   tracing ................1          
#db#   traceLen ...............30          
#db# Currently loaded FPGA image           
#db#   mode.................... HF image built for 2s30vq100 on 2020-01-12 at 15:31:16          
#db# Flash memory           
#db#   Baudrate................24 MHz           
#db#   Init....................OK           
#db#   Memory size.............2 mbits / 256 kb           
#db#   Unique ID...............0xD5690C23DF348F2A          
#db# Smart card module (ISO 7816)           
#db#   version.................v3.10           
#db# LF Sampling config           
#db#   [q] divisor.............95 ( 125.00 kHz )          
#db#   [b] bits per sample.....8          
#db#   [d] decimation..........1          
#db#   [a] averaging...........No          
#db#   [t] trigger threshold...0          
#db#   [s] samples to skip.....0           
#db# LF T55XX config           
#db#            [r]               [a]   [b]   [c]   [d]   [e]   [f]   [g]          
#db#            mode            |start|write|write|write| read|write|write          
#db#                            | gap | gap |  0  |  1  | gap |  2  |  3          
#db# ---------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+------          
#db# fixed bit length (default) |  29 |  17 |  15 |  47 |  15 | N/A | N/A |           
#db#     long leading reference |N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |           
#db#               leading zero |N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |           
#db#    1 of 4 coding reference |N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |           
#db# Transfer Speed           
#db#   Sending packets to client...          
#db#   Time elapsed............500ms          
#db#   Bytes transferred.......282112          
#db#   Transfer Speed PM3 -> Client = 564224 bytes/s          
#db# Various           
#db#   DBGLEVEL................1          
#db#   ToSendMax...............-1          
#db#   ToSendBit...............0          
#db#   ToSend BUFFERSIZE.......2308          
#db#   Slow clock..............32360 Hz          
#db# Installed StandAlone Mode           
#db#   LF HID26 standalone - aka SamyRun (Samy Kamkar)          
#db# Flash memory dictionary loaded           


[usb] pm3 --> hw tune
[=] Measuring antenna characteristics, please wait...          
[+] LF antenna: 45.92 V - 125.00 kHz          
[+] LF antenna: 38.64 V - 134.83 kHz          
[+] LF optimal: 50.33 V - 129.03 kHz          
[+] LF antenna is OK  
[+] HF antenna: 47.02 V - 13.56 MHz          
[+] HF antenna is OK           
[+] Displaying LF tuning graph. Divisor 88 is 134.83 kHz, 95 is 125.00 kHz.


#2 2020-04-16 10:43:57

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,530

Re: RDV4.01 - Hitag - No data found!

Works just fine for me.

[usb] pm3 --> lf hitag info
[+] UID: DB34A810
[usb] pm3 --> lf hitag reader 26
[+]  UID: db34a810
[usb] pm3 -->


#3 2020-04-16 12:06:20

Registered: 2020-04-15
Posts: 20

Re: RDV4.01 - Hitag - No data found!

any ideas what i can check and try ?


#4 2020-04-16 16:14:45

Registered: 2020-04-15
Posts: 20

Re: RDV4.01 - Hitag - No data found!

iceman wrote:

Works just fine for me.

[usb] pm3 --> lf hitag info
[+] UID: DB34A810
[usb] pm3 --> lf hitag reader 26
[+]  UID: db34a810
[usb] pm3 -->

ok so it seems you may have read a hitag2 pcf7936. i managed to read that also. if i read a hitag pro pcf 7953 it doesnt. i also noticed it wont read a pcf7935.


#5 2020-04-16 16:43:44

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,530

Re: RDV4.01 - Hitag - No data found!

Feel free to add support for the different types.


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