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Time changes and with it the technology
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#1 2019-03-18 10:06:38

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,531

Captcha and upgrade of forum

The old coinhive based captcha which served us very well has been shut down since the coinhive project has decided to shut down.

Lately people has been having a hard time trying to register a new user because of this.  I have turned of the captcha but we need to keep those automated forum spam bots at bay somehow.  So the process of finding a good new captcha for FluxBB has started.

There is also a upgrade of the forum engine available which I will push out within a day or two.   The forum will be down during this upgrade.

Thank you for your understanding!



#2 2019-03-18 11:16:26

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,531

Re: Captcha and upgrade of forum

Forum Upgrade
The forum upgrade seems to have worked well.  If you find something, do let us know.  It went much faster than expected which was a good thing.

Regarding Captcha
Now we are running on Google reCaptcha with hard settings.  I also removed all newly created accounts during this time.  For those accounts what were geniue, just do the registration one more time.  Sorry,  but keeping spam bots out is higher prio for us, the admins.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


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