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#1 2019-12-14 14:31:59

Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 133

How to read and write AA2: blocks 13-1F of the legacy card 2 App Area

Hi everyone,
anyone know how to read and write AA2: blocks 13-1F  of the legacy or elite card?
It seems now PM3 can only read and write the AA1: blocks 06-12  instead of AA2: blocks 13-1F. or I am too stupid to know how^_^

Any Genius can help poor student like me?

   CSN:11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88          
    CC: ff ff ff ff ef ff ff ff          
  Mode: Application [Locked]          
Coding: ISO 14443-2 B/ISO 15693          
 Crypt: Secured page, keys not locked          
    RA: Read access not enabled          
   Mem: 2 KBits/2 App Areas (32 * 8 bytes) [1F]          
   AA1: blocks 06-12          
   AA2: blocks 13-1F          
 AppIA: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff    
   : Possible iClass (legacy tag)   

Last edited by yukihama (2019-12-14 16:53:30)


#2 2019-12-14 17:11:28

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,536

Re: How to read and write AA2: blocks 13-1F of the legacy card 2 App Area

you would need the AA2 key....


#3 2019-12-14 23:15:07

Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 133

Re: How to read and write AA2: blocks 13-1F of the legacy card 2 App Area

iceman wrote:

you would need the AA2 key....

Dear Mr Iceman,

I use AA1 key and commnad "hf iclass readblk" to read BLK 13-1F. authorantication susscessful but all return ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff. I can even readblk all blks from BLK00 to BLK9F,LOL

is AA2 key available or no one know yet? ^_^  can we compute AA2 key by loclass as the same way like AA1 key?

At last, is the AA2 key similar to AA1 key like the combination of numbers and letters? Maybe we can get AA2 key by quantum computing,LOL  any idea?

Last edited by yukihama (2019-12-15 03:41:39)


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