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#1 2016-01-13 18:05:18

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,531

Travis-CI build server, Coverity Scans

I recently added the Travis-CI automatic build to my fork.  Not much extra work,  all need is in the .travis.yml file.
A good thing to add to the PM3 Master I guess.

Also I got my fork to the Coverity Scan services as well,   Thanks to Holiman last spring who showed it.
It is great tool,  I've added a lot of fixes to my fork and that should make it the most stable version out there wink

However there is some faults that someone more skilled in C to deal with.

Travis-CI REF:
Coverity REF: … b=overview

Last edited by iceman (2016-01-13 22:31:48)


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