Proxmark3 community

Research, development and trades concerning the powerful Proxmark3 device.

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"Learn the tools of the trade the hard way." +Fravia

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Time changes and with it the technology
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#1 2023-01-22 20:04:30

From: Houston, TX
Registered: 2023-01-22
Posts: 1

Hello everyone

Hello everyone! My name is Matthew and I became interested in NFC/RFID technology a few months ago. I was initially interested in learning more about RFID after seeing a video of how easily a flipper zero could emulate someone's HID badge. That led me to getting a proxmark3 since I wanted to understand technically how that worked, which led me to also getting interested in HF NFC, and now I have a collection of tags and readers that continues to grow.

Lately, I have been particularly interested in the NXP's more advanced tags like the icode series, NTAG 424, and desfires. I am a software developer, but I primarily use C# and python at work, so getting into the proxmark3's source has been a challenging but fun hobby project. I hope that I might be able to help in expanding proxmark3's support for things like the NTAG 424 once I have more experience.


#2 2023-01-24 02:33:45

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,533

Re: Hello everyone

Welcome and thank you for reading the introduction post

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and you already made your first PRs...   Well done and most welcome!


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