Proxmark3 community

Research, development and trades concerning the powerful Proxmark3 device.

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"Learn the tools of the trade the hard way." +Fravia

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#1 2019-08-03 18:49:01

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,531

Come see Iceman on DEFCON 27 at Wireless village

Come see me on DEFCON 27 at Wireless village!

If you are there, take the opportunity to say hi. Always happy to chat up with a fellow Proxmark user!
Share your experiences with us. Good stories are most welcome.

I be doing a talk on friday.  See schedule here

The talk will be general direction about proxmarking as a open source project.


#2 2019-09-01 11:20:28

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,531

Re: Come see Iceman on DEFCON 27 at Wireless village

Blackhat / DEFCON '27, I felt the love! (Dennis) and I flew in to Las Vegas, 

It was a privilege to meet up with Kevin Mitnick, Adam Laurie, Samy Kankar, Babak, Carl55,  Salvador Mendoza, Project Walrus (Phish & Danny)  and the wireless village.  So much is going on at Black Hat / DEFCON that it is nuts.  Everyone is there and I got introduced to all kinds of great wireless hackers in US. I are looking forward to meet everyone again soon.  Who knows where.

Everyone asking me about iClass and Desfire, seems to be the new thing smile

As a direct result from this trip,  we got contact with package maintainers from *nix distros and as of that connections we now have make install for nice and easy distribution. Amazing work from @doegox!  Dark woodo Makefiles. 

I love to see this strong open source community to strive from all this massive commits and changes.  Taking Proxmark3 and RFID hacking to the next level.

@Wireless Village Crew,   (Rick and Rick et al) My deepest and inner thanks for your efforts. Thanks!

Head over to Wireless village to more info.


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