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#1 2019-05-06 17:09:41

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,531

Come see 0xFFFF and Iceman on Pass-The-Salt (1-3 July)

Come see me and 0xFFFF on Pass-The-Salt'19 in 1-3 July in Lille, France.

If you are there, take the opportunity to say hi. Always happy to chat up with a fellow pm3 user!
Share your experiences with us. Good stories are most welcome. We will also be looking forward to chat up with Phillipe Teuwen!

We be doing both a talk and a workshop.  See schedule here

late Monday
The talk will be general direction about proxmarking and rfidhacking as a open source project.

On Tuesday afternoon we be having a workshop we go more detailed into proxmarking / rfidhacking.

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Follow 0xFFFF
Follow iceman


#2 2019-07-05 20:18:54

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,531

Re: Come see 0xFFFF and Iceman on Pass-The-Salt (1-3 July)

Pass The Salt '19, we felt the love!

Thank you everyone for attending a great PTS'19!

What was sad to say is that 0xFFFF could attend because of work,   RRG got (Dennis) to fly in instead which was great for the workshop since without him flying over there wouldn't have been any blueshark's or rfid locks to play with.  Thanks Dennis!  I know you had a 24h flight because of it.

It was a privilege to meet up with Philippe again.  This time introducing all kinds of great hackers.  The force is strong in France.
We are looking forward to meet again soon. 

A special shout-out to the eager RFID hackers who came the first day to sign up on the workshop. We hope you got your moneys worth.
We love to see this strong open source community to strive from your new found interests.    We might even be able to crack WingCard Ev1 algo now wink 

@PTS crew,   our deepest and inner thanks for your efforts.  Driving us around, sorting us out.  Merci!

Slides from PTS-19 is up.. … oxmark.pdf

video from talk is up.. … ark3-rdv4/

the workshop was very practical,  so slides is kind of useless.


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