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#1 2018-05-27 08:20:55

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 2

Am I approaching correctly?

I want to understand my card and make a copy based on it.

- Environment details -

windows10 x64
proxmark3 easy
tag or my card - MIFARE Ultralight (MF0ICU1) <magic>

I checked before buying this product.

proxmark3 can read and write, but it can't copy.

So I thought it was readable, but it's not going well.

proxmark3> hf search
ATQA : 00 00
 SAK : 00 [1]
Sending bytes to proxmark failed
Sending bytes to proxmark failed
iso14443a card select failed
TYPE : MIFARE Ultralight (MF0ICU1) <magic>
CC: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
proxmark3> hf mfu dump 1 aabbccddd
Unknown parameter '1'
Reads all pages from Ultralight, Ultralight-C, Ultralight EV1
NTAG 203, NTAG 210, NTAG 212, NTAG 213, NTAG 215, NTAG 216
and saves binary dump into the file `filename.bin` or `cardUID.bin`
It autodetects card type.
proxmark3> hf mfu i help
It gathers information about the tag and tries to detect what kind it is.
Sometimes the tags are locked down, and you may need a key to be able to read the information
The following tags can be identified:

Ultralight, Ultralight-C, Ultralight EV1, NTAG 203, NTAG 210,
NTAG 212, NTAG 213, NTAG 215, NTAG 216, NTAG I2C 1K & 2K
my-d, my-d NFC, my-d move, my-d move NFC
proxmark3> hf 14a raw -s -c 1b00000000
#db# ISO14443A Timeout set to 1050 (9ms)
received 0 octets
received 0 octets
proxmark3> hf list 14a
Recorded Activity (TraceLen = 26 bytes)

Start = Start of Start Bit, End = End of last modulation. Src = Source of Transfer
iso14443a - All times are in carrier periods (1/13.56Mhz)
iClass    - Timings are not as accurate

      Start |        End | Src | Data (! denotes parity error)                                   | CRC | Annotation         |
          0 |        992 | Rdr | 52                                                              |     | WUPA
     151424 |     159584 | Rdr | 1b  00  00  00  00  fa  f3                                      |  ok | PWD-AUTH KEY: 0x00000000
proxmark3> hf mfu gen
3DES version
Masterkey    :   00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff
UID          :   f4 ea 54 8e
Sector       :   7
Mifare key   :   a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
Message      :   a0 a1 a2 a3 50 4f 53 8e
Diversified key: a4 bf 76 23 71 09

 DES version
Mifare dkeyA :   40 42 44 46 48 4a 7e 00
Mifare dkeyB :   00 7e 60 62 64 66 68 6a
Mifare ABA   :   40 42 44 46 48 4a 7e 00 00 7e 60 62 64 66 68 6a 40 42 44 46 48 4a 7e 00
Mifare Pwd   :   5f 23 8b eb 7d 89 69 aa

- results -

Question 1. how can I use to recording access?

Question 2. can I get more manaul?
I want to know exactly what my device's LED is telling me.

Thank you for reading my post
because I am not good at English.


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