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#1 2018-03-21 20:53:14

Registered: 2008-10-07
Posts: 103

Timeouts on Macos proxmark3 client

Using the PM3 on a Mac, I recently noticed that whenever I compile the proxmark3 client with gui support, communications seem to become a lot less reliable: lots of timeouts waiting for the proxmark to answer, some commands failing, etc.

If compiling the proxmark3 client without gui support, everything works great. If there are other Mac users out there, could you run that test (run with code compiled for gui support, then run with code compiled withtout gui support) and report on this thread?

The clearest symptom: start the client, do a "hf search" with a HF card on the reader. It should work fine. Then wait 30 seconds to 1 minute doing nothing: on the gui build, any new commands will either fail with a timeout, or work only occasionally. On a text-only build, everything will continue working as normal.

Looking forward to your feedback


Last edited by edo512 (2018-03-21 20:53:48)


#2 2019-09-23 14:42:24

Registered: 2019-09-19
Posts: 17

Re: Timeouts on Macos proxmark3 client

I get the same behaviour! I thought it was just me...


#3 2019-09-23 18:45:57

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,530

Re: Timeouts on Macos proxmark3 client

that sounds like the slowdown feature "app nap" built in functionality..

disableAppNap("Proxmark3 polling UART");


#4 2019-09-23 21:01:56

Registered: 2010-01-01
Posts: 22

Re: Timeouts on Macos proxmark3 client

To the best of my knowledge this was fixed about a year ago in v3.1.0 official repo:

@chocol4te what version fork are you using?


#5 2019-09-23 21:32:06

Registered: 2019-09-19
Posts: 17

Re: Timeouts on Macos proxmark3 client

AntiCat wrote:

To the best of my knowledge this was fixed about a year ago in v3.1.0 official repo:

@chocol4te what version fork are you using?

Just pulled from, commit 7870dd6fc00e20c9d11ee070fda52414a5709693, built and flashed, and now I can't replicate it hmm


#6 2019-09-24 08:26:26

Registered: 2019-09-19
Posts: 17

Re: Timeouts on Macos proxmark3 client

Oh wait, no, it's happening.

[usb] pm3 --> hf search
[=] Checking for known tags...

[-] Searching for ThinFilm tag...[!] timeout while waiting for reply.
[\] Searching for ISO14443-B tag...UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
[|] Searching for iClass / PicoPass tag...UART:: write time-out
[=] You can cancel this operation by pressing the pm3 button

[-] No known/supported 13.56 MHz tags found

[usb] pm3 --> UART:: write time-out


#7 2019-09-24 21:01:38

Registered: 2010-01-01
Posts: 22

Re: Timeouts on Macos proxmark3 client

Could you please apply

curl|git am -

and report back the debug output you get next time the issue occurs?

If possible please check the AppNap status in the activity monitor during timeouts. AppNap should never be Yes.
Screenshot of Activity Monitor:

Last edited by AntiCat (2019-09-24 21:02:00)


#8 2019-09-25 14:45:33

Registered: 2019-09-19
Posts: 17

Re: Timeouts on Macos proxmark3 client


I am currently on the Catalina Beta, which has an Activity Monitor bug preventing me from seeing any process information (

I've applied the patch, I'll send the output next time it happens


#9 2019-09-25 17:23:56

Registered: 2010-01-01
Posts: 22

Re: Timeouts on Macos proxmark3 client

Aren’t the columns simply to wide? Please try to resize the window.
Note: The status is only relevant during the error.


#10 2019-12-06 13:01:55

Registered: 2019-12-02
Posts: 28

Re: Timeouts on Macos proxmark3 client

MacOSX 10.15.1 (Catalina)
Xcode 11.2.1 (11B500)

  --= uC: AT91SAM7S512 Rev B         
  --= Embedded Processor: ARM7TDMI         
  --= Nonvolatile Program Memory Size: 512K bytes, Used: 247803 bytes (47%) Free: 276485 bytes (53%)         
  --= Second Nonvolatile Program Memory Size: None         
  --= Internal SRAM Size: 64K bytes         
  --= Architecture Identifier: AT91SAM7Sxx Series         
  --= Nonvolatile Program Memory Type: Embedded Flash Memory

Proxmark3 Easy V3 (aliexpress)
1 button,
Power - white
A - green
B - red
C - orange
D - blue

iceman proxmark ver

[ CLIENT ]          
  client: RRG/Iceman          
  compiled with Clang/LLVM 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.12) OS:OSX ARCH:x86_64          

 [ PROXMARK3 ]          
 [ ARM ]
  bootrom: RRG/Iceman/master/release (git) 
       os: RRG/Iceman/master/release (git) 
  compiled with GCC 5.4.1 20160919 (release) [ARM/embedded-5-branch revision 240496]

 [ FPGA ]
  LF image built for 2s30vq100 on 2019-07-31 at 15:57:16
  HF image built for 2s30vq100 on 2018-09-03 at 21:40:23  

basic operations always with no problem

hf mf fchk keys.dic
[+] No key specified, trying default keys          
[ 0] ffffffffffff          
[ 1] 000000000000          
[ 2] a0a1a2a3a4a5          
[ 3] b0b1b2b3b4b5          
[ 4] c0c1c2c3c4c5          
[ 5] d0d1d2d3d4d5          
[ 6] aabbccddeeff          
[ 7] 1a2b3c4d5e6f          
[ 8] 123456789abc          
[ 9] 010203040506          
[10] 123456abcdef          
[11] abcdef123456          
[12] 4d3a99c351dd          
[13] 1a982c7e459a          
[14] d3f7d3f7d3f7          
[15] 714c5c886e97          
[16] 587ee5f9350f          
[17] a0478cc39091          
[18] 533cb6c723f6          
[19] 8fd0a4f256e9          
[20] 0000014b5c31          
[21] b578f38a5c61          
[22] 96a301bce267          
[+] Running strategy 1          
[+] Chunk: 2.6s | found 26/32 keys (23)
[+] Running strategy 2          
[+] Chunk: 2.6s | found 26/32 keys (23)
[+] Time in checkkeys (fast):  5.2s
|sec|key A           |res|key B           |res|          
|000|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|001|  ------------  | 0 |  ------------  | 0 |          
|002|  ------------  | 0 |  ------------  | 0 |          
|003|  ------------  | 0 |  ------------  | 0 |          
|004|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|005|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|006|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|007|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|008|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|009|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|010|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|011|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|012|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|013|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|014|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|015|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          

[usb] pm3 --> hf mf chk 0 ? FFFFFFFFFFFF
[ 0] key FF FF FF FF FF FF           
[+] Time in checkkeys: 0 seconds
[=] testing to read key B...          
|sec|key A           |res|key B           |res|          
|000|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          

[usb] pm3 --> hf mf chk 8 A FFFFFFFFFFFF
[ 0] key FF FF FF FF FF FF           
[+] Time in checkkeys: 0 seconds
[=] testing to read key B...          
|sec|key A           |res|key B           |res|          
|000|  ------------  | 0 |  ------------  | 0 |          

how problem looks

[usb] pm3 --> hf mf nested 1 0 A FFFFFFFFFFFF
[+] Testing known keys. Sector count=16          
[+] Chunk: 2.7s | found 26/32 keys (24)
[+] Time to check 23 known keys: 3 seconds
[+] enter nested attack          
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
UART:: write time-out
[+] time in nested: 93 seconds
[=] trying to read key B...          
|sec|key A           |res|key B           |res|          
|000|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|001|  ------------  | 0 |  ------------  | 0 |          
|002|  ------------  | 0 |  ------------  | 0 |          
|003|  ------------  | 0 |  ------------  | 0 |          
|004|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|005|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|006|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|007|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|008|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|009|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|010|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|011|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|012|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|013|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|014|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|015|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          

sometimes much more of UART:: write time-out
after that
LEDs status
power - on (white)
blue - on
orange - on
red - OFF
green - on

and with no any sings connection lost
[usb] pm3 --> hw ver
UART:: write time-out
[usb] pm3 --> hw status
UART:: write time-out
[!] Status command failed. Communication speed test timed out   


[usb] pm3 --> hf mf autopwn f mfc_default_keys.dic
[!] no known key was supplied, key recovery might fail          
[+] loaded  0 keys from dictionary file /usr/local/Cellar/proxmark3/HEAD-5773919/bin/../share/proxmark3/dictionaries/mfc_default_keys.dic           
[-] An error occurred while loading the dictionary! (we will use the default keys now)          
[+] loaded 23 keys from hardcoded default array          
[=] running strategy 1          
[+] Chunk: 2.6s | found 26/32 keys (23)
[=] running strategy 2          
[+] Chunk: 2.6s | found 26/32 keys (23)
[+] target sector:  0 key type: A -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ] (used for nested / hardnested attack)          
[+] target sector:  0 key type: B -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector:  4 key type: A -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector:  4 key type: B -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector:  5 key type: A -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector:  5 key type: B -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector:  6 key type: A -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector:  6 key type: B -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector:  7 key type: A -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector:  7 key type: B -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector:  8 key type: A -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector:  8 key type: B -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector:  9 key type: A -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector:  9 key type: B -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector: 10 key type: A -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector: 10 key type: B -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector: 11 key type: A -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector: 11 key type: B -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector: 12 key type: A -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector: 12 key type: B -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector: 13 key type: A -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector: 13 key type: B -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector: 14 key type: A -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector: 14 key type: B -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector: 15 key type: A -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[+] target sector: 15 key type: B -- found valid key [  FF FF FF FF FF FF  ]          
[-] Nested attack failed, trying again (1/10)          
[-] Nested attack failed, trying again (2/10)          
[-] Nested attack failed, trying again (3/10)          
[-] Nested attack failed, trying again (4/10)          
[-] Nested attack failed, trying again (5/10)          
[-] Nested attack failed, trying again (6/10)          
[-] Nested attack failed, trying again (7/10)          
[-] Nested attack failed, trying again (8/10)          
[-] Nested attack failed, trying again (9/10)          
[-] Nested attack failed, trying again (10/10)          
[-] Nested attack failed, moving to hardnested          
[+] Using AVX2 SIMD core.          

 time    | #nonces | Activity                                                | expected to brute force          
         |         |                                                         | #states         | time           
       0 |       0 | Start using 8 threads and AVX2 SIMD core                |                 |          
       0 |       0 | Brute force benchmark: 1247 million (2^30.2) keys/s     | 140737488355328 |   31h          
       1 |       0 | Using 235 precalculated bitflip state tables            | 140737488355328 |   31h          
[!!] Error: No response from Proxmark3.

only disconnect/connect will help

what's a problem?
what to do?

different USB cables tested

Last edited by Mashid0 (2019-12-06 15:38:31)


#11 2019-12-06 16:55:34

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,530

Re: Timeouts on Macos proxmark3 client

Output from

hw status

and have you tried some distance between tag and antenna,  1-2cm?


#12 2019-12-06 21:37:12

Registered: 2019-12-02
Posts: 28

Re: Timeouts on Macos proxmark3 client

Have try to change distance - not this problem

top - before nested

2404  proxmark3    0.2  00:00.22 5     1    168  11M   20K    0B    2395 2395 sleeping
635   Terminal     4.8  00:49.96 9     2    341  64M   1816K  5592K 635  1    sleeping
0     kernel_task  2.2  12:31.71 195/8 0    0    276M  0B     0B    0    0    running

top - nested started +15ces

2404  proxmark3    0.1   00:00.84 5      1    168  11M   20K    0B    2395 2395 sleeping
635   Terminal     1.4   00:51.58 9      2    343  55M-  8848K+ 5576K 635  1    sleeping
0     kernel_task  100.5 13:23.42 195/9  0    0    310M- 0B     0B    0    0    running

when the process finished ([usb] pm3 --> hf mf nested 1 0 A FFFFFFFFFFFF)
I see
on the screen

[+] time in nested: 93 seconds
[=] trying to read key B...          
|sec|key A           |res|key B           |res|          
|000|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|001|  ------------  | 0 |  ------------  | 0 |          
|002|  ------------  | 0 |  ------------  | 0 |          
|003|  ------------  | 0 |  ------------  | 0 |          
|004|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|005|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|006|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|007|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|008|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|009|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|010|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|011|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|012|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|013|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|014|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
|015|  ffffffffffff  | 1 |  ffffffffffff  | 1 |          
[usb] pm3 --> 
[usb] pm3 --> 

on device
power + blue_on, orange_on, (red-off), green_on

same time Heavy load on Kernel Task

2404  proxmark3    0.0   00:00.94 5      1    167  11M   20K    0B     2395 2395 sleeping
635   Terminal     9.5   00:53.41 9      2    342  59M   316K   5572K  635  1    sleeping
0     kernel_task  102.0 15:48.35 195/9  0    0    336M- 0B     0B     0    0    running 

if I'll try to send command to the device

[usb] pm3 --> hw status
UART:: write time-out
[!] Status command failed. Communication speed test timed out          
[usb] pm3 --> 

kernel_task still heavy load cpu
only one way - disconnect and connect usb cable

this case kernel_task load drops near the zero

after that device works again

[offline] pm3 --> hw connect
[=] Using UART port /dev/tty.usbmodemiceman1           
[=] Communicating with PM3 over USB-CDC           
[usb] pm3 --> hw status
#db# Memory           
#db#   BIGBUF_SIZE.............40000          
#db#   Available memory........40000          
#db# Tracing           
#db#   tracing ................1          
#db#   traceLen ...............0          
#db# Currently loaded FPGA image           
#db#   mode.................... HF image built for 2s30vq100 on 2018-09-03 at 21:40:23          
#db# LF Sampling config           
#db#   [q] divisor.............95 ( 125.00 kHz )          
#db#   [b] bps.................8          
#db#   [d] decimation..........1          
#db#   [a] averaging...........Yes          
#db#   [t] trigger threshold...0          
#db#   [s] samples to skip.....0           
#db# LF T55XX config           
#db#            [r]               [a]   [b]   [c]   [d]   [e]   [f]   [g]          
#db#            mode            |start|write|write|write| read|write|write          
#db#                            | gap | gap |  0  |  1  | gap |  2  |  3          
#db# ---------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+------          
#db# fixed bit length (default) |  31 |  20 |  18 |  50 |  15 | N/A | N/A |           
#db#     long leading reference |  31 |  20 |  18 |  50 |  15 | N/A | N/A |           
#db#               leading zero |  31 |  20 |  18 |  40 |  15 | N/A | N/A |           
#db#    1 of 4 coding reference |  31 |  20 |  18 |  34 |  15 |  50 |  66 |           
#db# Transfer Speed           
#db#   Sending packets to client...          
#db#   Time elapsed............500ms          
#db#   Bytes transferred.......338432          
#db#   Transfer Speed PM3 -> Client = 676864 bytes/s          
#db# Various           
#db#   DBGLEVEL................1          
#db#   ToSendMax...............-1          
#db#   ToSendBit...............0          
#db#   ToSend BUFFERSIZE.......2308          
#db#   Slow clock..............32084 Hz          
#db# Installed StandAlone Mode           
#db#   LF HID26 standalone - aka SamyRun (Samy Kamkar)          
[usb] pm3 --> 

Last edited by Mashid0 (2019-12-06 21:41:12)


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